Heavy Hex Bolts
  • Heavy Hex BoltsHeavy Hex Bolts
  • Heavy Hex BoltsHeavy Hex Bolts
  • Heavy Hex BoltsHeavy Hex Bolts
  • Heavy Hex BoltsHeavy Hex Bolts

Heavy Hex Bolts

bolts hex dị arọ na-enye ike dị elu na ntụkwasị obi maka ngwa nhazi, yana nha isi buru ibu na elu elu na-ebuwanye ibu na-eme ka njide echekwara na gburugburu ebe ndị na-achọsi ike.

Nlereanya:ASME B 18.2.1

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Nkọwa ngwaahịa


Hex Bolts dị arọ:Ihe mkpuchi ndị a nwere isi buru ibu ma buru ibu ma e jiri ya tụnyere bolts hex ọkọlọtọ, na-enye nnukwu ihe na-ebu ibu na ike ike dị elu.

Ike dị elu:Ezubere iji nagide ibu dị arọ na gburugburu nrụgide dị elu, a na-ejikarị bolts hex dị arọ eme ihe na ngwa nhazi dịka àkwà mmiri, ụlọ, na igwe.

Mbara elu elu:Nnukwu isi nke nnukwu hex bolts na-ekesa ike nkedo na mpaghara buru ibu, na-ebelata ihe ize ndụ nke nrụrụ ihe yana hụ na njikọ dị nchebe ma kwụsie ike.

Dị na ngwa dị iche iche:Ihe mkpuchi hex dị arọ dị n'ụdị dị iche iche, gụnyere carbon steel, alloy steel, na igwe anaghị agba nchara, na-enye ohere maka ndakọrịta na ọnọdụ gburugburu ebe obibi dị iche iche na ihe mgbochi corrosion chọrọ.

Oke oke nke nha:Site na obere oru ngo ruo nnukwu ihe owuwu, bolts hex dị arọ na-abịa n'ụdị dị iche iche, eriri eri, na ogologo iji nabata mkpa ngwa dị iche iche.

Nguzogide corrosion:Dabere na ihe ahọpụtara, bolts hex dị arọ nwere ike inye ezigbo nguzogide corrosion, na-eme ka ha dị mma maka ngwa n'èzí ma ọ bụ gburugburu ekpughere ihe ndị siri ike.

Ọnụ ala dayameta
1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3
ds max
s Isi
e max
k Isi
r max
b L≤6
0.515 0.642 0.768 0.895 1.022 1.149 1.277 1.404 1.531 1.785 2.039 2.305 2.559 2.827 3.081
0.482 0.605 0.729 0.852 0.976 1.098 1.223 1.345 1.470 1.716 1.964 2.214 2.461 2.711 2.961
7/8 1-1/16 1-1/4 1-7/16 1-5/8 1-13/16 2 2-3/16 2-3/8 2-3/4 3-1/8 3-1/2 3-7/8 4-1/4 4-5/8
0.875 1.062 1.250 1.438 1.625 1.812 2.000 2.188 2.375 2.750 3.125 3.500 3.875 4.250 4.625
0.850 1.031 1.212 1.394 1.575 1.756 1.938 2.119 2.300 2.662 3.025 3.388 3.750 4.112 4.475
1.010 1.227 1.443 1.660 1.876 2.093 2.309 2.526 2.742 3.175 3.608 4.041 4.474 4.907 5.340
0.969 1.175 1.383 1.589 1.796 2.002 2.209 2.416 2.622 3.035 3.449 3.862 4.275 4.688 5.102
11/32 27/64 1/2 37/64 43/64 3/4 27/32 29/32 1 1-5/32 1-11/32 1-1/2 1-21/32 1-13/16 2
0.364 0.444 0.524 0.604 0.700 0.780 0.876 0.940 1.036 1.196 1.388 1.548 1.708 1.869 2.060
0.302 0.378 0.455 0.531 0.591 0.658 0.749 0.810 0.902 1.054 1.175 1.327 1.479 1.632 1.815
0.030 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.120 0.120 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.190
0.010 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.040 0.040 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060
1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.750 4.250 4.750 5.250 5.750 6.250
1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500

Mkpado na-ekpo ọkụ: Heavy Hex Bolts, China, Nsuputa, Suppliers, Factory, N'ogbe, ahaziri, Ogo

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Biko nweere onwe gị ịnye ajụjụ gị n'ụdị dị n'okpuru. Anyị ga-aza gị n'ime awa 24.
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